Offer Category: Newsletter Worthy
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Eid Offers
Humiras Beauty BarDeluxe Facial with Full Face, Shoulder, Neck and Head Massage only £30...
Active Slough
Slough Borough CouncilActive Slough run a wide range of sport and physical activity sessions...
Westfield Community Centre
Slough Borough CouncilA charming venue with a main hall and one meeting room for...
Weekes Drive Community Centre
Slough Borough CouncilRooms available for hire. Discounts available for main hall and small hall....
Upton Lea Community Centre
Slough Borough CouncilThe facility provides 4 rooms which can accommodate 150 people and is...
The Curve Venue Hire
Slough Borough CouncilSlough’s iconic library and cultural centre, right in the heart of the...
Manor Park Community Centre
Slough Borough CouncilHalls and meeting rooms for hire! Different discount options apply to hiring...
Langley Pavilion Community Centre
Slough Borough CouncilTwo halls, two meeting rooms with 47 parking bays available at a...
Langley Library meeting room
Slough Borough CouncilA meeting room with a room capacity of 10 people offered at...